Elephantiasis/ Lymphatic filariasis
All Infectious Disease
8 min read

Elephantiasis/ Lymphatic filariasis

March 6, 2024

A disfiguring and distorting disease that leaves its victims with monstrous appearance. Elephantiasis is a sporadic but horrible disease that gives its affected person a resemblance to an elephant, characterized by terrible swelling of tissues and skin thickening of various body parts. Elephantiasis occurs due to parasitic invasion of filarial

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Influenza–Flu Symptoms & Other Key Facts
All Infectious Disease
9 min read

Influenza–Flu Symptoms & Other Key Facts

March 6, 2024

The flu, or influenza, is a crafty virus that can really give you chills. This sneaky germ does not care how old you are; it’s more than happy to mess with anyone. When it strikes, it’s like a wildfire that swiftly spreads from one person to another. It takes a

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Common Cold–Symptoms, Treatments, Preventions
All Infectious Disease
8 min read

Common Cold–Symptoms, Treatments, Preventions

March 6, 2024

Introduction  The common cold is actually a virus-infected disease that affects your nose and throat, but it’s harmless. People usually experience symptoms that include coughing, sneezing, nose running, and headaches. The worst days of the common cold are the early three days; after that, this disease decreases its effect. It’s

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Understanding Monkeypox: History, Transmission, Symptoms & Prevention
All Infectious Disease
8 min read

Understanding Monkeypox: History, Transmission, Symptoms & Prevention

March 6, 2024

We reside within the ocean of microbes; we’re surrounded by numerous forms of micro-organisms. Some unicellular, microscopic organisms pose extreme threats to living organisms, including humans. Among those micro-organisms like bacteria, fungi and protozoa, viruses are the intracellular organisms that usually require some other dwelling frame, known as the host,

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Rabies: Causes, Symptoms & Prevention
All Infectious Disease
6 min read

Rabies: Causes, Symptoms & Prevention

March 6, 2024

Imagine if the master organ of all actions of life is damaged by an entity that cannot be seen. Then, what would happen to the body is formidable. This microscopic culprit has zoonotic origins and is a subject of interest in public health. The deadly viral disease rabies’ has affected

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Ebola (Ebola Virus Disease)
All Infectious Disease
8 min read

Ebola (Ebola Virus Disease)

January 30, 2024

Apart from other microscopic organisms like bacteria, fungi, and protozoa, there is another tiniest entity that the naked eye cannot see, it can only survive inside the living cells of the host, found in realms of the microbial world, and that creature is labeled as a virus. These viruses can

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